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Iron Fit Food Natural Protein Bars health benefits
How Iron Fit Food Protein Bars can greatly help you to lower your cholesterol, keep blood pressure in check while helping you losing weight and gaining muscles
You are having troubles finding good quality natural protein bars in Thailand? Iron Fit Food is THE solution. Indeed, Iron Fit Food Protein bars, cookies and brownies are made only with top ingredients and, most of all, they are all of natural and sugar free. This means that all the Iron Fit Food Protein Snacks are loaded with the best whey protein, but also with healthy super-food such as nuts, seeds, raisins and coconut oil to achieve their high content of proteins, vitamins and mineral. Our bars are therefore a great help to maintain overall health at a top level, boost the immune system, lower bad cholesterol, keep blood pressure in check and of course promote weight loss and muscle building.
Let’s take a deeper look at the benefits of some of the ingredients Iron Fit Food food Protein Bars are made with:
Peanuts contain vegetable protein, unsaturated fat, fiber and minerals. In particular, monounsaturated fats are the type of fat that lowers LDL, the “bad” cholesterol. The US Food and Drug Administration performed a study showing that a handful of peanuts at least five times every week can help lower your risk for heart disease by more than 25%.
Peanuts are also a healthy source of vitamin E, folate, niacin and manganese. They are also rich in resveratrol, a phenolic antioxidant present in red grapes used to make red wine.
Pumpkin seeds:
Pumpkin seeds contains an incredible variety of antioxidants . Starting from a good dose of vitamin E composed by several forms of it such as Alpha-tocopherol, alpha-tocomonoenol, gamma-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol, and gamma-tocomonoenol, making the bioavailability of Vitamin E greater than other forms. Moreover, Pumpkin seeds are rich in mineral antioxidants like manganese and zinc. Also Phenolic antioxidants are provided by pumping seeds in a variety of forms such as phenolic acids hydroxybenzoic, caffeic, coumaric, ferulic, sinapic, syringic and protocatechuic acid.
To summarize the benefits, Pumpkin seeds are good for:
-Maintaining Heart Health because of their Magnesium content.
-Boosting the Immune Support because of their Zinc content.
-They are rich in Plant-Based Omega-3 Fats.
-Good for maintaining Prostate Health.
-They have Anti-Diabetic Effects.
-Rich in aminoacids
-They contain Tryptophan that help provide a Restful Sleep.
Sunflower seeds:
Sunflower seeds contain vitamin E, an important antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals that would otherwise damage molecules, such as cell membranes, brain cells, and cholesterol.
Sunflowers seeds have anti-inflammatory effects that can help with symptoms in asthma and arthritis, where free radicals and inflammation play a big role. They contain Phytosterols, compounds that when present in the diet in sufficient amountscan reduce blood levels of cholesterol.
They are also a good source of magnesium that can help with asthma, lower high blood pressure, and prevent migraine headaches, as well as reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke.Magnesium is also needed for healthy bones and energy production.
Dried raisins:
Having a few raisins every day is good for your stomach and can help your Digestion as they contain fibres.
They are rich in potassium and magnesium in good levels.
They also can help against Anaemia as they have a good amount of iron and B-Complex vitamins. Their copper content also promotes the production of red blood cells.
Raisins are rich in polyphenolic phytonutrients, which are well known as anti-inflammatory antioxidants, therefore helping to boost the immune system and to treat Infections. Raisins contain phenol, collagen and elastin that promote healthy skin.
Sesame Seeds:
Sesame seeds are rich in copper and manganese, also containing calcium, magnesium, selenium, vitamin B1, iron, zinc, molybdenum, phosphorus, and dietary fiber. Also, they contain 2 substances that are totally unique: sesamin and sesamolin, Those have a cholesterol-lowering effect in humans, and prevent high blood pressure. Sesamin has also evidence to protect the liver from oxidative damage.
Practical Tip:
To lower your risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart disease, enjoy 1 natural snack from Iron Fit Food, rich in healthy nuts, seeds, raisins and proteins at least 4 times a week.
In a nutshell, at the opposite of most protein snacks in Thailand, the Iron Fit Food Protein Bars are more than just products made with whey protein and some fillers. Indeed, they are made mostly with high protein natural ingredients, so you get get protein from different sources plus a good variety of macro nutrients, which literally make them the best protein bars in Thailand.